School of the Spirit

A One-Year Experience of Spiritual Formation in Community

School of the Spirit offers five 2-day retreats designed to equip, empower and nurture transformation through the ancient spiritual disciplines of Jesus and the early church. The focus of this structure is not on the latest fad but on centuries-old practices that will renew our encounter with Christ, grounded in the vitality of a committed community to hold each participant’s journey. Through the living process of placing ourselves before God to be schooled by the Holy Spirit, we trust God’s grace to rewire our minds (Romans 12:1-2) and revive our spirits.

If you desire to be a part of a community whose aim is to nurture transformation in Christ and you are willing to commit to five quarterly retreats over a one-year time frame, then participation in the School of the Spirit is for you! Our intent is to create an environment of prayer, learning, and formation devoted to intentionally living our faith as a way of life as we journey toward becoming the spiritual leaders God created us to be – no matter our setting! Limited to 24 clergy and ministry professionals.

The School of the Spirit is one of the finest renewal experiences I know of for ministers. I know first-hand how thirsty we ministers can get giving other people water. This is a great stop by the well.

Rev. Dr. Jody Seymour, Retired Senior Pastor | Davidson United Methodist, Davidson NC