Art as Spiritual Practice
Roxanne Morgan,
spiritual director and artist
Saturday, July 26
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Theme: Lammas
a time of harvesting
“Thus says the Lord:
Stand at the crossroads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way lies; and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls….
Jeremiah 6:16
Once again, four distinct retreats to explore art as spiritual practice are offered in 2025 at the Starrette Farm. Following the Celtic wheel of the year, each retreat will coincide with a crossquarter day and celebration. Participants will be invited to dive deeper into those ancient paths and wisdom as they engage with and explore various creative and contemplative offerings such as watercolor and collage, lectio and visio divina, bookmaking and poetry writing, imaginative prayer and bread baking.
Upcoming Dates for 2025
Lammas - a time of harvesting
Saturday, July 26 (payment due July 12)Samhain - a time of remembrance
Saturday, November 1 (payment due October 18)
Details & Registration Info
Availability: minimum of 6, maximum of 12
(payment secures your registration)Time and Location: 9am to 4pm, at the Starrette Farm, Statesville, NC (directions given with registration)
Cost: $100 for each retreat (includes all necessary art supplies), payable at registration
Contact Roxanne Morgan at with “ASP” in the subject line for payment arrangements.